Page 3 - HarmfulAlgaeReadMe
P. 3

Methods and Evaluation of Data


               Surface seawater samples for phytoplankton analysis
               are collected with a Niskin bottle mounted on a pole (or
               directly by submerging the sample container) at each
               station, with additional water samples from 5, 10, and
               20 m depths being collected at one station per patrol in
               the same manner as the nutrient samples. Once
               collected, samples are immediately preserved by
               adding Lugol’s iodine solution (final concentration in the
               sample 1–2%).

               Samples are then visually examined by an analyst using
               a compound light microscope to characterize the types
               of phytoplankton present; the limitations of optical
               methods limit this to species larger than about 10 µm in
                                                                         1Adding Lugols solution to a
               size.                                                     phytoplankton sample to preserve it.

               Phytoplankton analysis followed a method developed
               by the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program (HAMP, Haigh et al., 2004). Species were identified
               to the lowest taxonomic level possible based on morphology. The dominant species or group
               in each sample were enumerated (reported as cells mL ), in addition to all species that are
               known or suspected to have a negative effect on finfish and shellfish in BC. These harmful
               species include:

                                                 •  Alexandrium spp.

                                                 •  Chaetoceros convolutus

                                                 •  C. concavicorne

                                                 •  Cochlodinium fulvescens

                                                 •  Dictyocha spp.

                                                 •  Dinophysis spp.

                                                 •  Heterosigma akashiwo

                                                 •  Pseudo-nitzschia spp.

                                                 •  Rhizosolenia setigera
                2Examining phytoplankton samples
                with a compound light microscope
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