Page 6 - ZooplanktonReadMe
P. 6

Zooplankton Food Web

               Using these long-term zooplankton biomass
               data, along with multi-year phytoplankton
               biomass estimates, we constructed three
               food web models for the plankton
               community in the SoG using Ecopath
               ( Each model provides
               a steady-state, but seasonally-varying,
               mass balance in one of three seasons in the
               SoG: spring, summer, and winter. Our
               models describe the plankton community
               using fifteen functional groups, with
               variations in biomass, diet, and growth and
               consumption rates. These functional groups
               include heterotrophic bacteria,
               phytoplankton, mixotrophic
               microzooplankton, and mesozooplankton.

               The models indicate that the planktonic
               component of the food web in the Strait of
               Georgia spans 3 trophic levels. All
               mesozooplankton have lower trophic levels
               in the spring than the other two seasons,
               indicative of the shift to more herbivorous
               activity in this season. After the spring bloom, microzooplankton increase in dominance and
               zooplankton diets shift to reflect this change in food availability, increasing their trophic

               These taxonomically diverse, seasonal models give insights into how energy pathways and
               trophic interactions within the plankton community vary between the seasons. These structural
               changes within the plankton food web throughout a year have implications for higher trophic
               levels, including the seasonal availability and quality of food for plankivorous fish. Further, they
               can be applied to nutrient cycling, detrital sinking, and contaminant bioaccumulation through
               the food web.
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