Page 5 - HydrographyReadMe
P. 5

Hydrography Methods and

               Evaluation of Data Quality

               At each station, an electronic CTD (for conductivity - temperature - depth) probe is lowered to
               the bottom or a depth of 150 m, whichever is less, using a hand-cranked reel. These probes
               measure water temperature, water salinity (using the electrical conductivity of the water which
               arises from the presence of dissolved sea salt), and pressure, from which depth can be
               determined, continuously through the whole vertical profile. RBR-Concerto CTD probes were
               used from 2015-2020. In 2021 these were replaced with
               AML-6 CTD probes.

               CTD data is transferred through a wifi link to a tablet
               equipped with a purpose-written software app, at
               which point meta-data (e.g. station names and
               locations) is added.  This data is then transmitted for
               archiving at Ocean Networks Canada.

               Although data is transmitted electronically to the Ocean
               Networks Canada archive, the resulting dataset still
               contains a number of problems. These can include casts
               without positions, profiles which appear to be
               erroneous when compared with nearby data because
               of sensor malfunction or failure to remove protective
               "caps", spurious “spikes” in salinity that may occur if the
               sensor hits the bottom, and so on.  Many of these issues
               are identified and corrected as ONC personnel carry out a cast-by-cast processing of the
               input data stream, generating "profiles" with values at standard depths.

               However, a small number of errors remain, and are most easily identified by examining an
               entire season's data. Thus, an additional manual edit of the dataset was carried out by an
               experienced oceanographer at the University of British Columbia before this atlas was
               generated. Typically, these final corrections are made to less than 5% of the 700–1500 profiles
               observed in any year, but they can make noticeable differences in the atlas figures.

               Temperature and Salinity

               In this dataset, temperatures are in °C on the ITS-90 scale. Temperatures are provided using
               vendor calibration only, and have a nominal accuracy of about ±0.01°C.

               Salinities are computed from temperature and conductivity. Conductivity measurements are
               also provided using vendor calibration only. Salinities are shown as mass fractions (grams of
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