Page 7 - HydrographyReadMe
P. 7

calibration procedures. However, the scaling factor returned to 0.6 for 2023 for unknown
               The scatter in these intercomparisons are relatively large for several reasons. First, it is simply
               difficult to compare measurements at the same nominal depth from profiles not taken
               simultaneously. The ocean changes! Second, the sampling depths may not even be exactly the
               same. Third, it is known that daytime in-situ chlorophyll fluorescence readings very near the
               surface can be lowered to as little as 50% relative to nighttime values in the Strait of Georgia
               by "non-photochemical fluorescence quenching", a physiological response of chloroplasts to
               large quantities of light.  Presumably the decrease would be less at depth where light levels
               are lower, and on cloudy or winter days, and perhaps even on bright days when vertical
               mixing is vigorous

               Dissolved Oxygen

               The CTD profilers are  also equipped with another sensor (either an Aanderaa optode or an
               Alec Rinko-III) to measure dissolved oxygen using a "fluorescence quenching" technique which
               has become widespread in recent years. Such dissolved oxygen measurements are measured
               as a factor relative to atmospheric saturation. By using a standard equation that provides the
               actual concentration, when in equilibrium with the atmosphere at different temperatures,
               salinities, and pressures, these measurements can be converted into molar units of O2, which
               we use here. Although no in-situ calibrations are carried out, these measurements are cross-
               compared with calibrated oxygen concentrations from surveys of the Strait carried out by
               Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The estimated static accuracy is around ±10 µM.

               However, the oxygen sensor response time is generally longer than for temperature and
               salinity, so that profiles show a smoothed version of the actual changes in oxygen
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