A Centralized Repository
The PSF Marine Data Centre is a centralized repository for data for the British Columbia marine ecosystems. We offer a location where data are both stored and maintained. We encourage submissions of data to our repository to enable researchers to ensure their datasets are preserved for the long term.
A key objective of the Data Centre is to ensure that data can be easily discovered, accessed, and used. Our commitment to data integrity and accessibility supports a wide range of research studies. This includes critical research on Pacific salmon populations, their habitats, and the factors impacting their survival in the marine environment. Join us in advancing marine science and conservation.
Best Practices
We prioritize following best practices around data preservation, storage, and access by:
- Practicing good data sharing techniques and providing metadata for all datasets that are submitted and archived.
- Providing clear documentation showing the content and purpose of the research project and specifying any security or confidentiality concerns.
- Providing links to websites or other repositories associated with the data.
- Requiring datasets housed in our data portal to be properly cited, acknowledging the authors of the dataset.
- Allowing easy access to our centralized repository.
- Making sure data are stored in a format that will be readable over the long term.

By using data from the Marine Data Centre BC, the user agrees to the following:
- Not to use the data available through this portal for any commercial purposes
- To acknowledge the original data source in any publications or presentations that use data available through our data portal.
- Not to hold the Marine Data Centre BC liable for any errors in the data. While we have made every effort to ensure quality and acuracy in our data records, we cannot guarantee it.
We ask that you acknowledge the Data Centre if you use data from our various data sources. If your publication uses data gathered in part from the Data Centre, please send us the literature citation. Please cite the Strait of Georgia Data Centre as: The Marine Data Centre BC: A secure Data Centre for Information on Marine Ecosystems of British Columbia. World Wide Web electronic publication. https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~pearsalli/sgdc_site/