The value of atlases

Atlases are invaluable products of the Marine Data Centre since they serve as comprehensive repositories of spatial and temporal data. They offer visual insights into various environmental factors that can influence salmon populations. These atlases include interactive and non-interactive maps, as well as a myriad of figures and provide users with comprehensive tools to make informed decisions.

The integration of atlases into our data centre also promotes collaboration and data sharing. By providing a centralized and accessible platform for data visualization, atlases can facilitate communication between researchers, conservation organizations, government agencies, and the public. This collaborative approach ensures that all parties have access to the same high-quality data, fostering a unified effort towards salmon conservation.

Our Atlases

Currently, we house three atlases: Oceanographic conditions, Contaminants, and Restoration.

Future efforts

As the scope of the Marine Data Centre expands, the inclusion of additional atlases covering new topics will further enrich our understanding of BC’s marine ecosystems. We hope to continue to provide users with a dynamic and evolving resources that address emerging conservation challenges.