Pacific Salmon in BC

Pacific salmon are a keystone species. This means that they have a disproportionately large impact on their ecosystem relative to their abundance. Along the coast of British Columbia, Pacific salmon play a crucial role in maintaining the structure, diversity, and health of the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems they inhabit. They are a vital food source for top predators like orcas and bears, while their spawning activities support scavengers such as eagles and wolves. Additionally, their decomposing bodies release essential nutrients into rivers and forests, which in turn nourish plant life and sustain aquatic insects, smaller fish, and other organisms at various trophic levels. The removal or significant decline of Pacific salmon can lead to dramatic changes in our coastal ecosystems, often resulting in the loss of biodiversity and the collapse of ecosystem functions.

Understanding the salmon life cycle, the ecological roles they play, and the threats they face from human activities and climate change can help us better comprehend the importance of salmon to our ecosystems. This knowledge empowers communities, researchers, and policymakers to make informed decisions that support conservation efforts, ensuring the survival of salmon and the myriad species that depend on them.

Our goal

Our goal is to provide our users with comprehensive and engaging content about Pacific salmon and their ecosystems. We aim to educate and inspire through detailed ecological insights, the cultural and historical connections of First Nations, and the latest research and conservation efforts. By offering interactive products, story maps, and educational resources, we strive to foster a deep understanding and appreciation of salmon, motivating collective action towards their protection and the preservation of their habitats.

By sharing the work of those who work tirelessly to study and protect salmon and their ecosystem, we highlight the collaborative nature of these initiatives. Interactive experiences, educational outreach, and the celebration of conservation successes encourage community participation and stewardship. Together, we can build a network of informed and passionate advocates dedicated to ensuring a thriving future for Pacific salmon and the diverse ecosystems they support.

Future Efforts

We will continue to create products that inform our users about the estuarine and marine periods in the life cycle of Pacific salmon and everything that relates to it. Our resources are designed to enhance understanding and awareness of the critical marine environment that sustains Pacific salmon, emphasizing the interconnectedness of marine ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts.