Growing Population

As the population in this region has grown, the environmental pressure on the Strait of Georgia has intensified. This is the result of resource extraction and development for housing, forestry, industry, agriculture and mining. At the same time, there has been increased use of water, increased outputs of sewage and pollution, and increased land conversion for human development and industry.

To mitigate these impacts, it is essential to implement sustainable practices across all sectors. Responsible resource management, pollution control measures, and habitat restoration projects are critical for reducing the strain on the Strait’s environment. By balancing development with conservation, we can protect the ecosystems that Pacific salmon and countless other species rely on.

Our efforts

Through our different products and our data portal, we continue to develop products and gather data on human impacts ranging from population growth, water usage, agriculture and sewage outputs, pulp and paper mill effluents, mining and forestry impacts, aquaculture, fishing, marine transportation, and recreational usage of the waters of the Strait.

Our goal is to provide valuable insights into how these human activities affect the marine ecosystem and Pacific salmon populations. We aim to equip researchers, policymakers, and the public with the information needed to make informed decisions and implement effective conservation strategies. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, we hope to promote sustainable practices that mitigate the negative impacts on the BC’s marine environment, ensuring a healthier and more resilient ecosystem for future generations.

Useful Resources

Marine Data Centre Boat Cleaning and Maintenance Product Database

Resilient Coasts for Salmon Toolkit

Living Oceans Society

Georgia Strait Communities Atlas

Pacific Region Contaminants Atlas

Watershed Statistics Atlas

BC Marine Conservation Atlas

Forage Fish Habitat Atlas

Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Program (BIEAP) and Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) Atlas

Georgia Basin Habitat Atlas

Invasive Species Atlas

Pacific Coastal Resources Atlas

Southern Gulf Islands Atlas