Category: Update

Our new name and extended scope

We are thrilled to announce that the Data Centre has undergone a significant transformation. In line with our evolving mission and the growing needs of the Marine Science Program at PSF, we have adopted a new name that better reflects who we are: the PSF Marine Data Centre. Our new name is a symbol of our progress and our drive to make a meaningful impact in… Read more »

Strait of Georgia Data Centre presenting at the Salish Sea Ecosystem conference

Ben Skinner, GIS Specialist of the Strait of Georgia Data Centre Team, will be presenting this poster about the Strait of Georgia Data Centre next week at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference – April 26, 2022. If you are attending, be sure to catch Ben and get all your questions answered! (If you are not attending, you can always reach out here. We love getting feedback… Read more »

Quick tips to get to know your local shoreline

Celebrate Earth Day this year by getting to know your local shoreline! Check out these 10 tips to get to know your local coastal ecosystems. This list, put together by Pacific Salmon Foundation, features maps and tools from the Strait of Georgia Data Centre, including the new Marine Reference Guide (SOG MRG)!

Strait of Georgia Data Centre introductory video

Strait of Georgia Data Centre introductory video. Released July 2, 2021. Join our GIS Specialist Ben Skinner on the beaches of Gabriola Island as he explains what the Strait of Georgia Data Centre is all about. Access the video HERE.